ADP is the acronym for "Association Défi du Poni" (Association for the Challenge of Poni). Among its objectives, we can find the following ones:

  • Inform and raise awareness among the population of Poni province about the importance and the need of children in general, and of boys and girls in difficulty in particular.
  • Educate and raise awareness among the population about the millennium objectives.
  • Propose innovative projects for cultural exchanges and vocational training for the population.
  • Identify and classify the training activities on health, education and environmental training activities.
  • Contribute to the mobilisation of financial resources to the benefit of the population for the fulfilment of its activities.
  • Participate in the follow-up and evaluation of the development policies and programmes in the province of Poni.
  • Take into account the population's attitude in all the matters which may have a direct or indirect impact on sustainable human development in Poni province.


As we commented in the "area of action" section, we must highlight the involvement of Igo Seydou (ADP Foreign Affairs Secretary), teacher and Honorary Member of CIM Burkina for his commitment, devotion, and involvement in all the issues related to the education and welfare of the children of all of the schools of Djindjinli, Djikando, Holly, Sidimoukar, Youmpi and a large etcetera of schools in Gaoua.