CIM Burkina's field of action embraces basically the region of Gaoua in Burkina Faso. This is where we find most of the schools with which we maintain collaboration agreements for the schooling of boys and girls through scholarships and other collaborations related to education.
There are different schools, in which the schooling is under the APFG supervision (Association pour la Pormotion Féminine à Gaoua), a local counterpart, whose information can be consulted in the "local partners" section. Also with the APFG, we sustain the scholarships for young persons who have dropped out of school or who haven't gone to school in "Camille Kambou", a vocational school, also managed by the APFG.
But we also work in other schools of the region, like in Djindjinlin, Djikando, Holly, Sidimoukar and others, under the supervision of the ADP (Association Défi du Poni), another local counterpart, of which it is worthy highlighting the involvement of Igo Seydou (ADP Foreign Affairs Secretary), teacher in the school of Djindjinlin and Honorary Member of CIM Burkina for his commitment, devotion, and involvement in all the issues related to the education and the welfare of young girls and boys of all the schools quoted above (among others).
However, and as it is mentioned in mentioned in our Annual Reports, we operate occasionally with some pupils in Ouagadougou (capital of Burkina Faso) and Dakar (capital of Senegal).