ANDAANI Ladies Football Club has been around foro ver 5 years now, although it was officially registered in the Women’s football teams in Ghana as an official team in 2018, on an initiative by Ali Abdullah Abubacar and other who cooperate to maintain the team and coach the girls.
Project to provide desks for different schools in the region of Gaoua. The overcrowding of girls and boys in the classrooms is absolutely disproportionate and requires urgent actions to remedy these situation. The overcowding of girls and boys causes a weak ...
At CIM Burkina, we provide grants to students of different education cycles to try to prevent school drop-outs due to the lack of economic means. The management of the scholarships is carried out by our local counterparts in most cases...
The project to fight against Covid-19 consists in installing handwashing basins in the 65 classrooms of 11 schools of the Gaoua region in which CIM Burkina has been working for years. Those handwashing basins consist of an iron support on which is placed a drum with a tap ...
Construcción de un pozo en la escuela de Koul Pon Gane. El pozo ha sido construido detrás de la escuela tras muchas dificultades para encontrar un punto de agua óptimo. Es nuestra segunda intervención en este municipio.
With this project, we want to implement a computer room in the school "Gaoua Centre", at the request of different teachers of the centre, with the aim of serving as training tool for both pupils and teachers.